Leaping Forward into an Extra Day

Tying up loose ends before leaping into spring’s busy season.

It has been a seemingly long two weeks behind my new computer. I never realized how slow and clunky my old computer was until I was forced to buy a new one.

Everything so new, pristine and fast!

Books I’ve read over the winter include The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Emmaus Code and Jesus on Trial by David Limbaugh. And I’m slowly making my way through the Bible! So far my favorite books of the Bible are Genesis and John.

I am hopeful the vegetable garden will be less chaotic. I spent time this winter carefully mapping out each square foot in the hopes of producing a bountiful harvest. New to the garden will be a cold frame to deter rabbits from feasting on delicate lettuce.

Also new, companion plants such as marigolds, nasturtiums, cosmos and zinnias some of which will, hopefully, deter those pesky rabbits. As for the squirrel(s) eating all our tomatoes, I simply opted to buy more tomatoes plants. Last year, I planted only two tomato plants and that rascally squirrel took every last tomato! More plants means less weeds too, right!? 😄

Eagerly looking forward to getting back behind my wheel on my back porch. Hopefully sooner than later since Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow. A much needed trip to my pottery supply store next month. While there, I’ll be looking to add a new glaze this year! Fingers crossed!

Enjoy this extra day!

Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) in our yard. “It is in the buttercup family; ferny green leaves ring each of its yellow cup-like flowers. Great for rock gardens or for naturalizing under deciduous trees and shrubs or in the lawn. The low-growing clumps of greenery go dormant in summer. Plant the tubers in the fall just like a bulb.” (source: https://www.almanac.com/20-sunny-yellow-flowers-your-garden )

Handle a book as a bee does a flower, extract its sweetness but do not damage. ~ John Muir

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