Meanwhile . . .

Finally decided on a "white" paint and painting our kitchen! Gone are the days when we could paint a room in ONE day! LOL Our peas are coming up nicely! Covered with a light mesh cloth to deter the rabbits from feasting on the tender little shoots; although, I don't think rabbits will be a... Continue Reading →

Cats! Rabbits! And Foxes! Oh My!

Spring is here! Flowers are popping. The trees are budding. Weeds have gone wild. In between rain showers, I've planted peas, radishes, lettuce and spinach in our garden.  Because we have three wild very hungry rabbits in our neck of the woods, we have had to add fencing to our raised garden beds and cover others with... Continue Reading →

New Hotness vs Old & Busted

I've been without a computer for two weeks.😥 My old one no longer supported updates needed to run my photo editing software or my internet browser.😥 So, my handsome IT guy 😍 enthusiastically started out with a plan of simply installing more memory. He quickly learned my old computer could not accommodate more memory which... Continue Reading →

‘Tis The Season

A steady stream of orders since Thanksgiving. Each piece of my handmade pottery securely wrapped and boxed. Shipping labels printed. Boxes secured. Tracking numbers noted and sent to each customer. Then off to the post office. Unboxing and unpacking Christmas decorations. A sense of nostalgia of Christmases past. Trying to remember where Christmas gifts are... Continue Reading →

The Blues

My blue glaze finally arrived after being on back order since August. I have been using this delightful blue glaze for over 15 years. My customers nor I have ever been disappointed. So . . . I opened my new jug of blue glaze with great anticipation of glazing a set of custom made bowls... Continue Reading →

End of September: Peak Season

Much has been going❗️ I have yet had the time to blog. I have been glazing, firing, photographing, listing*, glazing, firing, photographing, listing, aaaannnnnd glazing, firing, photographing. (*Listing: writing descriptions and pricing of my new handmade pottery for my BackPorchStudio shop on Etsy.) In the meantime, enjoy our neighborhood hawk who frequently stops by! 😍... Continue Reading →

Run Grandma! Run!

“Grandma! Grandma! There are snakes in the pine trees!” our grandson shouted excitedly as he was running to the back porch. Knowing that we do have at least one snake I thought to myself, “Drat, that snake had babies!” So, I grabbed my camera and asked our grandson to show me the snakes. (Yes, I grabbed my... Continue Reading →

September Glaze & Beyond

I have had my hands busy over the last two weeks. Glazing and firing and photographing. Glazing and firing and photographing and throwing. Glazing and firing and photographing. Thank goodness it is Friday and I am in a nice in between place today! Life as a potter, among other hats I wear, can look quite... Continue Reading →

It’s Been A Little Humid

It was horridly humid and buggy on my back porch over the past several weeks. I took refuge indoors and continued to work with clay. While indoors, I made shallow bowls/dishes from slabs of clay draped over a plaster mold. A clay slab is a portion of clay that has been flattened into a sheet.... Continue Reading →

Help With The Mundane

I'm trilled to have help with seemingly mundane household chores. Laundry, especially. Laundry seems to be one unending chore. When dear husband helps, I love it. Lately, however, his help has created a small problem for dear daughter and me. You see, dear daughter and I are approaching the same size in everything. As I'm... Continue Reading →

Weekend In The Weeds

JULY UPDATE!!! In May I blogged about this weed that took over the garden and I mistakenly identified the weed as heal-all. The plant that over took the garden beds this spring is NOT heal-all at all. It is Red Dead Nettle instead! For more information about Dead Nettle scroll to the bottom of my... Continue Reading →

A Story of a Mug

Dusted off and updated from an August 2019 post It starts with a lump of clay... A lump of clay is centered onto the pottery wheel then shaped into a simple cylinder and shaped some more. After shaping, the mug is ready to be taken off the pottery wheel and set aside to air dry.... Continue Reading →

Glazed,Ready and Rain

Over the weekend, I started glazing some small bowls, cups and spoon rests that I made and bisque fired over the past few weeks. My glazing techniques vary from dunking pots into a bucket of glaze to brushing glaze onto pots. For my pet dishes and bowls, I stamp a paw print in the center... Continue Reading →

I Didn’t Think I Could

I have been asked by several people about making slow feeder bowls for their pets. I didn't know how to make them and felt a bit intimidated because there is not much information on how to make a slow feeder. But when my Grand-dog asked me to make one for him, I just couldn't say... Continue Reading →

Warming Up!

Temperatures in the 70's this week! I am finally back behind the wheel after a very cold and wet spring! Grand-dog came by for a visit and curious as to what I was doing. Warming up my throwing muscles. Starting with 1/2 pound of clay. Making small bowls to sell as trinket or ring dishes,... Continue Reading →

2023 has presented me with challenges. Challenges that require my energy to be in many places other than my Back Porch Studio. In 2023 -2024 I will be selling only ready to ship items as my time allows.  I plan to focus on pet dishes, mugs and wine cups May through October in preparation for the 2023 Holiday Season. If you are NOT in a hurry, please... Continue Reading →

Winter Is For The Birds

Feeding birds through the winter has been a family activity for over 25 years. It started as a homeschool project where we could observe wildlife first-hand. We learned about bird identification, social behavior (pecking order on and around the feeder),  and which physical characteristics of birds dictated food choices (sunflower seeds, thistle, millet, nuts, berries... Continue Reading →

Wordless December

December's photo challenge: (top left) technology, (top center) candle, (top right) Santa, (center left) all wrapped up, (center) 7 pm, (center right) colorful and Christmas song, (bottom) tradition

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