Cats! Rabbits! And Foxes! Oh My!

Spring is here!

Flowers are popping.

The trees are budding.

Weeds have gone wild.

In between rain showers, I’ve planted peas, radishes, lettuce and spinach in our garden. 

Because we have three wild very hungry rabbits in our neck of the woods, we have had to add fencing to our raised garden beds and cover others with a light mesh.

I don’t mind “sharing” but they are voracious eaters and leave nothing behind.  

Our cats do nothing to deter the rabbits. 

Absolutely nothing!  Ha ha. 

Until this week!

I woke up early before sunrise as did Cat Number 1. 

He wanted outside something fierce so I let him out the back door.  

Fixed my cuppa coffee.

Settled into my desk chair.

And started to read emails and that’s when I heard what sounded like a cat fight under the master bedroom window. 

Quickly made my way to the back door. 

Flung it open and glared in the direction of the master bedroom window all to find nothing there.  

I heard screaming. 

Awful, bloodcurdling screaming.

I’ve heard that kind of scream before.

It is the horrid sound a rabbit makes before it dies.

Cat Number 1 caught a rabbit after all! ” I thought. 

Egads.  Sounds horrible.  

I flipped on the back porch lights. 

Two sets of glowing eyes peered out from beneath the trees.


And THAT was when I saw it!

I snapped!

Yes, I had my camera!

I always have my camera near by so I took a shot.

Photo is very grainy because it was still dark but thanks to the magic of Photoshop I was able to lighten the image quite a bit so I could reveal and prove to my dear husband what I saw.

It was a red fox! 🦊

Seeing me flailing my arms and snapping pictures, the fox ran away.

All was quiet.

Too quiet.

Where was Cat Number 1?

Cat Number 1 did not come home until late that morning.

He looked a bit rough, exhausted and has some blood around his nose and mouth.

I cleaned him up and checked him for open wounds and broken bones.

He wanted inside something fierce so I let him in and he went straight to the couch and slept the rest of the day.

By this time dear husband was up.

I filled him in on everything that happened that morning.

He went out to survey the property and found no evidence of anything gone awry.

Cat Number 1 sound asleep on the couch.

And, I had a photograph of what I saw.

So, what exactly happened out there?

By the way, it’s a full moon! LOL

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